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Updated 5 Dec 2023

MANNYSCAM Summary & Status

MANNYSCAM seems to be a "long-con" Ponzi-style financial scam involving several projects over time, collectively named for its self-proclaimed "creator", self-identified as Florida resident Manny Delgado. Several others have revealed involvement, including "Marco Malimban" and someone named "Wellington Zeraus (Suarez)". The well-orchestrated MANNYSCAM is rumored to be associated with broader targeting of alternative "defi" crypto-currency investors.

Delgado has since at least 2022 operated in the cryptocurrency realm a succession of schemes advertising alluringly high rates of weekly return on invested monies. Present evidence indicates that thousands of investors appear to be involved with many tens of millions of dollars ($60 - $80 million estimated) put into Delgado's schemes without receiving meaningful reward nor refund. Previous warning of Delgado's doings.

Investors in Delgado's schemes commonly reported their trust had been gained merely by having heard (unsubstantiated) rumors of Delgado's supposed 'fully refunding those involved in past failures'. Onerous myths are costly.

Beware of copycat or 'follow-up' websites which are merely scams upon scams; sometimes, their facade is identical. Two such traps are identified as "" and "" (yes, "prosperty" is miseplled). There probably are and likely will be others. maintains an evidence hoard curated by a group of investors harmed by involvement with Delgado that comprises over 2 gigabytes of data, thousands of dated screenshot images, videos, PDF files and other documents detailing these schemes. An independent, painstakingly-compiled, and thorough timeline is here.

Report MANNYSCAM here

Florida resident Manny Delgado is the self-proclaimed "creator" and project leader. MANNYSCAM includes: GemBot AI, "PGV" Prosperity Gem Ventures, "PGM" Prosperity Gem Mining, "CGT" Crypto Gem Trading.

Jeff Deal of WFTV9 News in Orlando Confronts Manny Delgado of Prosperity Gem Ventures

Florida resident Manny Delgado 25 Nov 2023.